new guy on block in jacksonville NC

  • new guy on block in jacksonville NC

    so im new to the Z world and i just want to find out who is in my area. im right next to jacksonville in NC. i used to be in the RX7 scene for awhile and i know there was a decent amount of people in the area. it would be nice to set up a meet or somthing.

  • #2
    There are a few members in the Jacksonville area. I'm about an hour away. Greenville nc has a decent size gathering every month.

  • #3
    ok cool, i met a guy named ted with blueish colord 85 i think it was and he also said there was a few others in Jville.

  • #4
    around August 28th there is going to be a huge car show behind the bestbuy in Jacksonville. we are working on getting a mobile Dyno out there along with other companys to hand out prizes and other things along those lines. all the benefits go to the Wounded Warriors foundation. there will be a $5 entrance fee per car. so far we have around 30ish people ready and signed up.all forms of vehicals are welcome, cars, trucks, SUVs and anything else you have that is worth showing. im trying to get EastCoast Perfomance to bring out some of their drag and drift cars. It would be nice to see some 300's out there so if you or anyone else has any questions feel free to PM me and ill fill you in. pass the word along.

  • #5
    A few of the less spoken members here work at ECP, might be willing to go out. If one of them would work on their personal Z, that is. :nanan?re
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  • #6
    floridaZ wrote: A few of the less spoken members here work at ECP, might be willing to go out. If one of them would work on their personal Z, that is. :nanan?re
    ya i was go to talk to taylor who works there next time i stop by. he has a blue 87 i think it is and zack who works there as well has one he built for drifting

  • #7
    Zack is in Cali, and his Z is dead. Matt is who you're looking for. Whenever he gets back in town.
    Feedback- viewtopic.php?f=18&t=19840

  • #8
    ahhh i see, thanks for clearing that up for me. like i said im still new to the area and trying to put names together lol