30A Length

  • 30A Length

    Exactly how long is the 30A. Can't seem to find that info anywhere.
    Cha iro

    enjoy building it yourself.
    if it fails, fuck it.
    at least you gave it a whirl.

  • #2
    Looking for info like this…
    Z32 Manual Transmission:
    Length (bellhousing to tailhousing): 30.25"
    Shifter Position (bellhousing to center pivot): 34.5"
    Trans MOunt position (bellhousing to center of mount): 24.5"

    Pathfinder FS5R30....Length (bellhousing to tailhousing): 28.50"
    Shifter Position (bellhousing to center pivot): 27.0"
    Cha iro

    enjoy building it yourself.
    if it fails, fuck it.
    at least you gave it a whirl.

  • #3
    It's all in the swap thread but again. All truck transmissions are 29" long as well as the z32 from bellhousing to tail. If I remember I will measure for you tonight on the hybrid pathy/z32 tranny I have and post the pics in the swap thread.
    "Its the s12's sexy over weight step daughter, the z31"