Mega squirt install

  • Mega squirt install

    Hey everyone I was planing on installing mega squirt and I wanted to get some advice and see if I am missing anything. First I am planning on getting a mega squirt 2 from diy autotune and was planing on using an relay rather than harness with integrated fuses from what Ive read you can use the relay from your current harness. I currently have a NA however I have plans to do the NA2T conversion in the future and am also running electric fans so im wondering if the stock relay will be able to accommodate that. Another question I had related to the trigger wheel from what Ive read it is only used when converting from the distributer to coil packs if I am not planning on doing that is the trigger wheel still required. finally not the most important because I plan to mega squirt regardless but is it possible to retain the function of the digital dash or will it need to be replaced.

  • #2
    From what I've heard using the stock tach is an issue.

  • #3
    Get a 36 to 1 trigger wheel with ms3x with ls coils gm clt and iat sensors.and problems solved.

  • #4
    For the tach MSD 8920.

  • #5
    Are you on any Facebook Z31 pages? Alot of info there. Yes you need to CAS from DIYautotune and you can make the tac work.
    Shiro #443