BorgWarner MatchBot turbo calculator

  • BorgWarner MatchBot turbo calculator

    Found a link to this tool somewhere and curiosity got the best of me. I've been trying to get a set of base values that would be close to the stock T3 setup. I have used some stock like dyno graphs and found some T3 compressor maps, but everything else is guesswork. The torque and power values I get are still a bit too optimistic. That's what I've got so far

    Anyone got any sources for more info about the VG30ET? Some better values of volumetric efficiency and BSFC would be great. I'm also quite unsure about the exhaust backpressure values.

    The tool could be quite helpful in figuring out how bigger turbos would work out.

  • #2
    Don't bother getting all technical, you won't be disappointed with a GTX35/82R on a tuned VG.

  • #3
    OK, you have raised some good points concerning the VG single cammer which I have never seen discussed definitively before. Exhaust back pressures generally I have some knowledge of, they can get close to boost pressures when those are raised significantly so obviously it's important to consider that factor when deciding what figure to use in your calculations and the type of exhaust proposed.

    On the other figures, you could compare the VG with another similar type engine which has known figures, I certainly would not compare it with a good four valver though. The VG does not breathe easily.

  • #4
    Originally posted by 260DET View Post
    Don't bother getting all technical, you won't be disappointed with a GTX35/82R on a tuned VG.
    I'm sure I wouldn't be. But this kind of stuff is fun by itself for me. And I've already learned quite a bit from trying to figure it out.

    I did get this graph of BSFC over BMEP at 2000 rpm. I think it's 2, this scan is quite horrible.

    I suppose not breathing easily would be reflected in lower volumetric efficiency?

  • #5
    Yes, that's my memory of it. Agree that sometimes there can be a lot of fun and interest in working things out, try a suspension simulator some time if that part of the car intrigues you.