VG30ET Engine Swap From Wrecked Turbo Z

  • VG30ET Engine Swap From Wrecked Turbo Z

    I am still working on the 85 Turbo I picked up last summer. It is in need of a lot more TLC. The engine has 104k on it and there's no oil leaks except for a small leak in the turbocharger on the compressor side. Could be just the PCV valve which I ordered or a clogged oil return line. The engine also runs rich for the first 20-30 seconds on cold start, then it evens out. Probably the CHTS. It's probably going to need a timing belt too.

    Instead of repair/replacing lines, the turbo, doing the t-belt, I've been thinking about doing a simple engine swap. I browsed around and I found an 85 Turbo with 30k on the motor. Sadly, the car was in a rear end collision and also suffered front end damage. However, the motor appears to be in-tact and most of the damage was limited to the headlight and upper bumper area. It looks like a good portion of it was stopped before the metal bar with the hood latch on it.

    The radiator hoses are in-tact. Looks like the A/C unit may be slightly damaged. I don't know about the turbo. I'm also aware of some of the problems that can arise from a major impact (overheating, internal water leak, hydrolock, damaged valves or pistons) I don't know how long the engine was running for after the crash or if it was driven around with a coolant leak. I was going to call and ask the depot if it still runs. Car looks like it was pristine before the wreck.

    Anyway, just thought I'd ask you guys for your assessment. Has anyone swapped in a motor from a car with front end damage? Is that a big steer clear, stay away, no, no?



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  • #2
    Having done them both, an engine swap is not simpler than doing the timing belt. You're not making sense here, man

    Replacing the CHTS takes 2 minutes if you're doing the t-belt anyway. I'm not sure what you're worried about with the belt. It's not hard, it's just a pain in the butt if you're still running the stock fan setup and you have to do it right. But it's still like 15 per cent of the hassle of doing a motor swap even if you do the water pump and everything while you're in there (which you should). Sorting out if you have a clogged return line would take an hour(and it's pretty rare for a half inch return line to clog, your turbo's seals are probably going.) maybe. It's probably running rich for the first 30 seconds because your fuel temp sensor is busted or not hooked up, or some of your idle controls are missing or not working correctly. All of these things put together are still so much less effort than swapping motors, especially for a junkyard crapshoot.

  • #3
    Having done them both, an engine swap is not simpler than doing the timing belt. You're not making sense here, man
    From your point of view it probably wouldn't make sense. But that's from someone who has the time, experience, and equipment. I don't have those luxuries; not that I don't work on my Z. I can do simple things like tune-ups, oil changes, light repairs, or replace some parts here or there. Replacing the t-belt is a big job and I've ordered all the parts for it before. I could probably replace the CHTS. My logic here was to have someone swap in a used motor with 30k and not have to worry about doing the t-belt, or an engine and turbo rebuild. However, getting a used motor from a wrecking yard is exactly what you said it is, "a crapshoot." I really have no idea what I'd be getting so I'd probably be safer off with the engine I have in there. I guess I was just thinking it'd be nice to have a VG30ET with only 30k on the motor! DROOL.

    However, after reading about all of the pitfalls of buying a used engine from a wreck, I've decided not to do it. There are too many unforeseen problems I don't expect the sleazeballs at the wrecking yard to be up front with me. Thanks for your input.
