Chattering, Loud, clunking CLSD differential

  • #16
    I really hate having to do the figure 8 break-in. Installed a Kaaz a couple days ago and had to break it in before returning to the customer. I was almost puking by the time it was done. I like the Kaaz oil because it made of gold crushed diamonds and unobtanium. Plus it comes in a really sweet can.

    +1 for the Kendall additive being good shit.
    The bullshit stops, when the GREEN light drops.

    Only babies cry about the bottle.

  • #17
    That can is fun to read. Makes it almost worth it.

  • #18
    Its the popping top that gets me every time. Kind of like that japanese soda that has the marble to open and close the top. I buy that stuff just for the cool bottle.
    The bullshit stops, when the GREEN light drops.

    Only babies cry about the bottle.

  • #19
    Butter wrote: fluids that are made from gold resin and crushed diamonds.
    ZFast88Z wrote:
    Kaaz oil because it made of gold crushed diamonds and unobtanium..
    wait, so is it gold resin or unobtanium? :lol:

  • #20
    ZFast88Z wrote: I really hate having to do the figure 8 break-in..
    Kaaz SuperQ my friend. Requires no break in, and quieter than a queef.
    "produce second."