Automatic no reverse issues?

  • Automatic no reverse issues?

    I bought a 1986 na 300zx with a few issues. Biggest one that i havent been able to figure out is my transmission. Beside the fact of being an autotragic, currently in runs smootly in all fwd gears. But this were it gets interesting, the vehicle only revs when its put on reverse, but when the car is running and its put on park the vehicle will continue moving with no hesitation.
    If the vehicle is off, and put on neutral the vehicle will move freely like the way is supposed to.
    Any help would be awsome ! Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    5 speed swap?, auto trans in these cars sorta blow. and sounds like you lost park and reverse, which usually means the rest will follow soon after. have you checked the fluid? are there metal shavings? did the previous owner put sawdust in it? theres a start for you