Reringing a vg30

  • Reringing a vg30

    I'm about to rering and bearing one of my spare motors, my question is about the different ring sets that are available. I'm using a non turbo block and pistons like my last setup that runs 23psi form a turbonetics t3/t4. There are a few different rings sets, cast-iron and chrome. What would be the better choice? I'm only rehoning the cylinder walls by hand so what is my best option for rings?

    boost. does a body good!

  • #2
    Cha iro

    enjoy building it yourself.
    if it fails, fuck it.
    at least you gave it a whirl.

  • #3
    Thinking metal, maybe rings that don't interfere with jroperties of the block. I'm sure the engineers took care of this, but you don't want sand paper rings.ha
    Compressed Springs is the scariest shit EVER!

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