reusing newley installed exhuast gasket

  • reusing newley installed exhuast gasket

    hello everyone, so i have my vg33 new seals gasket timing belt and the works done to it on the strand ready to drop in but right before i was going to drop my engine back in i decided to get a new turbo to slap on her. So my question is i just put new exhaust manifold gaskets on about a week ago and being I'm replacing the turbo i need to pull the manifold back off. Do you guys think ill be alright using the old (new) exhaust manifold that is only 10 days old prior to install?
    I had a spare one somewhere but it most have got missed placed when moving. I know most would say why risk it and i understand but not only can i not just get one i need the set which is like 20 bucks plus i have to wait for shipping(5-7 days).
    I guess another way of asking this is how many of you guys have reused them in the same situation with or without problems

    Thanks for you time, advice, and expertise in advanced

  • #2
    I'm reusing some that was on a rebuilt motor that ran for less than an hour before i had to pull it back apart.
    If they're not damaged and were a quality brand, i'd say reuse them.

    disclaimer: i have not ran said motor yet.

    84 AE/Shiro #683/Shiro #820/84 Turbo

  • #3
    Okay thanks for the input ill pull the manifold off and take some pics of it for a better idea whether their usable.