89 N/A No start Issue

  • 89 N/A No start Issue

    Basically, this thread is a mini troubleshoot log so I can keep track of what I've checked and for any input from everyone else on what I may have missed.

    Background: I have an 89 N/A/Auto with an 88 N/A/Auto motor swapped in from a wrecked Z with 13k on the odometer. From the condition of the Z it was pulled from, I believe the mileage is correct. Engine was spotless, all fittings looked fresh out of the package and no dirt buildup in any crevices of the motor when pulled. Swapped into 89 N/A shell that had prior auto trans as well. Ecu from wrecked 88 was swapped in as well at time.

    Issue: As title states, car refuses to start. Turns over just fine but acts as if it isn't getting any spark.

    I've checked the following things: Timing on belt and distributor is correct. CAS and coil both tested good, have strong spark to each individual plug. Injectors also are all firing and will "engage" when turning the distributor with ignition on. All sensors are hooked up and have been double checked. I have fuel to the rail and out of the return line. I haven't tested for actual fuel pressure yet but the pump was working when last motor was pulled (which ran fine). Tried another CAS as well as two different OEM caps/rotors and no change in "effort" when cranking over. I tried a bit of a squirt of ether in the intake while cranking and also made no difference/effort while cranking to fire over. I'm honestly a bit puzzled at this point. I imagine there is an issue with fuel delivery but I'm not entirely sure. I make take the rail out and see if the injectors are pushing any fuel out at all. The problem also didn't change at all when swapping in the original 89 ecu into the car. Any recommendations on what to look for? I'm going to mess around with it more this weekend and hopefully something will pop out to me.
    Build Log Link: http://z31performance.com/showthread…-VG33-HX35-WIP

  • #2
    Best advice I can give is never take any previous troubleshooting for granted, especially if you did the troubleshooting. I would maybe double-check the distributor phasing, make sure that you aren't timed to exhaust stroke or something silly, and make sure that you aren't trying to fire plugs at wrong time. Also spark plug wires, make sure they aren't crossed up or something. I would guess its something simple, but those things are always infuriating until you figure them out. I have a dead miss that I swore was a timing issue, ended up being a damaged wire to one of the injectors that failed suddenly.
    Butter (credit where credit is due): "You have this "gift" where you can make cooking a Hot Pocket seem like you need a certain wavelength microwave and involve brown mustard."

  • #3
    Thanks for the input! Went back last night and I had made a mistake. I tested spark at the end of the boot itself rather than having the spark plug actually on the boot when checking for spark. I pulled a few plugs to see and when I did, the plugs had spark but they were spotless. Fuel isn't making it down into the cylinder. I dumped a bit of gas in a few cylinders and within a few cranks w/ plugs back in, it started to pop over before reverting back to just cranking. Going to pick up a fuel gauge kit shortly and I will check the pressure then. I know its feeding back out of the return line but if the pressure is good, then I will try to swap the injectors out for a different set that I have off the 89 motor.
    Build Log Link: http://z31performance.com/showthread…-VG33-HX35-WIP

  • #4
    Update from the weekend. I went ahead and found I had good pressure. However, I pulled the injector rail and discovered that my injectors weren't spitting any fuel whatsoever. Out of any of them. I swapped the rail over from the 89's motor and they all began spitting fuel. Hooked everything back up and cranked it over. It went good for the first few attempts at firing it over but after so long, the plugs became pretty fuel soaked. I left it at that. Going to try it again this week sometime when I get a chance. Hopefully have an update then.
    Build Log Link: http://z31performance.com/showthread…-VG33-HX35-WIP