Sigs and Avatars

  • #16
    From the forum rules:
    3. No porn or obscene material may be posted directly on the forum. NO EXCEPTIONS. Porn is defined as obscene writings, drawings, photographs, or the like, esp. those having little or no artistic merit.

    We have asked plenty of people to change sig/avatars before. What is considered obscene might be flexable vary from person to person, but I'll change it myself if I
    feel it's too far out of line.

  • #17
    [quote]Beck wrote:
    Originally posted by Jason84NA2T
    We have asked plenty of people to change sig/avatars before. What is considered obscene might be flexable vary from person to person, but I'll change it myself if I
    Originally posted by Jason84NA2T
    feel it's too far out of line.
    Any examples or guidelines we can use for future reference? Everything has been arbitrary enough that I have refrained from using an avatar or completing a sig so far.
    Is common sense extinct? Come on. No baby-killing, gun-toting, intentionally-offensive or racist images or otherwise. Honestly, it's a CAR forum. We all know people like things besides cars and like to put unrelated stuff in their sig or avatar. Essentially it's always going to be moderators discretion, but I believe that people should at least have enough sense to know about where and when they crossed the line.

  • #18
    ^^^ NICE SIG Jason!!! I'm lovin' it!
    Shiro Special # 981 Being assembled in my spare time Chromoly acquired!
    Originally posted by BoostedMamma
    Heads up makes teh panties drop. BUT I don't have a penis OR a fast car, so I guess my opinion doesn't count.