Poly steering rack bushings by Ricochet

  • Poly steering rack bushings by Ricochet

    Just stumbled upon this listing on ebay for poly steering rack bushings by Ricochet. Has anybody used these or know if they should be okay?

  • #2
    There are two widths of hold-down bracket for the driver's side which makes the bushing issue a little fuzzy…

    What is not 100% clear is under what circumstance a car gets which type of bracket -- there have been suggestions about year and turbo, but we haven't had enough people polled to answer that clearly, and results are easily contaminated by people swapping them over the years as needed

    I had a batch of driver's side bushings made for the narrow bracket, but everyone else has only produced bushings for wide brackets up til now

  • #3
    I took a flyer on a set of these, for the price why not. I'll see what they measure to and post when I get them.

  • #4
    Originally posted by G-E View Post
    There are two widths of hold-down bracket for the driver's side which makes the bushing issue a little fuzzy…
    Could you tell me what the dimensions are roughly? From the photo on ebay it seems the LH and RH bushings are about equally wide.

    Do you still have any of the bushings available you had made?

  • #5
    The driver's side holddown bracket comes in 19mm and 24mm, and yes I have some

  • #6
    I ended up using gary Molitor poly rack bushings and after installing I come to find out that indeed my driver side hold down is the thinner one. So I just gooped a ton of 3m window weld all over it and it all seems fine still with around 1k miles on it.
    My build thread (:

  • #7
    The Ricochet bushings are 24mm. They look like a direct repro of the OEM rubber piece. Won't be installing them for a few weeks at least and won't be driving the car any distance until, uh, April most likely. 613 ftfw.

    Edit - they also seem *very* stiff, much stiffer than Prothane poly.

  • #8
    I did also end up getting them since I have the wider brackets too. Like FrozenZ pointed out, they seem to have taken molds of OEM bushings and haven't made any simplifications. Some of the finer details on the two piece bushing are a bit rough but they look fine in general. I wouldn't say they're a lot stiffer than Prothane bushings though. Probably in the durometer range of 80A-95A. Some of their other bushings seem to be listed as 90A. Won't be driving the car for a few months either so that's all I have for now.

  • #9
    I tried to install these and they don't fit. The brackets fit just fine but the bushings are a good bit taller, and most importantly are longer in the "tail of the teardrop" which fits into the bracket. The stock bolts won't even reach the threaded holes in the crossmember.

  • #10
    That's not nice. I guess they can be trimmed down to make them fit? Do you think it happens because they're so much stiffer than rubber and don't compress enough?

  • #11
    FYI the OEM bushing have a metal piece in it, so it is stiffer than any aftermarket reproduction.
    Cha iro

    enjoy building it yourself.
    if it fails, fuck it.
    at least you gave it a whirl.

  • #12
    I guess I forgot to post here. I had my rack and pinion replaced at a shop and I gave them these Ricochet poly pieces at first. They couldn't get them to fit and the steering rack kept moving around when I turned the wheels all the way to either end. I took the car back there to have it fixed and they put the rubber ones back. Might be possible to get them fit with more effort but they're surely not a very simple fit.


    • z31_boy
      z31_boy commented
      Did you have the proper sized bushings?

    • kaur
      kaur commented
      They were the correct size. People are saying they should basically be glued in there with something like window weld, which is a sort of polyurethane itself iirc.